Residents enjoy a full program of activities which include weekly trips out to beauty spots and cafes, music, singing, arts & crafts, quizzes, seated exercises and film afternoons. We have a regular crossword group, topical discussions and regular visits from a hairdresser, chiropodist and manicurist. To view our current Activity Program, please click on ‘Current Activity Program’ above.

Date Time Activity Overview
Monday 22nd July 14.00 Sing along with Cathy
Tuesday 23rd July 10.00 Tea trip to Widecombe
Wednesday 24th July 14.00 Hairdresser
Thursday 25th July 14.00 Bingo
Friday 26th July 10.00 Large crosswords
Saturday 27th July 14.00 Giant kerplunk
Sunday 28th July Resident choice
Monday 29th July 11.30/15.00 Armchair exercises/The Teigns in concert
Tuesday 30th July 14.00 Beetle Drive
Wednesday 31st July 14.00 Ride out with Trevor
Thursday 1st August 10.00 Quiz
Friday 2nd August 10.00 Board Games
Saturday 3rd August 14.00 Sing along
Date Time Activity Overview