Current Activity Program

Residents enjoy a full program of activities which include weekly trips out to beauty spots and cafes, music, singing, arts & crafts, quizzes, seated exercises and film afternoons. We have a regular crossword group, topical discussions and regular visits from a hairdresser, chiropodist and manicurist. To view our current Activity Program, please click on ‘Current Activity Program’ above.


By |2025-01-20T09:57:22+00:00August 1st, 2020|Events|0 Comments

Open Day

Open Days are postponed for the foreseeable due to the current COVID-19 pandemic.  When it is safe to do so then, families, friends and anyone interested in sampling our hospitality and surroundings can spend the day with us from morning coffee through to afternoon tea. Enjoy great food, a glass of wine as well as whatever activity or entertainment is planned for the afternoon. You are also welcome to view one of our refurbished rooms. The cost is just £5 and transport is possible on request.

By |2020-10-29T10:34:56+00:00July 4th, 2020|Events|1 Comment
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